"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."
Matthew 28:19
As Lakeside seeks to connect people to Christ, His Church and the Community, we believe this mission is for both the Roanoke Valley and around the world. Lakeside seeks to raise up and partner with individuals, couples, and families to spread the Gospel and plant local churches around the world.
At Lakeside, we want every person to be sensitive to what God is leading them to do with their lives. Some people are sent out for short term missions while God calls others to spend their lives within a culture for the purpose sharing the Gospel with those people. Along with that, God leads others to remain local and help those sent out through prayer and financial support.
When God leads people to another culture, we desire to come along side them and help equip them.
At Lakeside, we want every person to be sensitive to what God is leading them to do with their lives. Some people are sent out for short term missions while God calls others to spend their lives within a culture for the purpose sharing the Gospel with those people. Along with that, God leads others to remain local and help those sent out through prayer and financial support.
When God leads people to another culture, we desire to come along side them and help equip them.

For the safety of our Global partners, we do not list them on our website.
Want to learn more about our current Global Partners and how you can help support them?
Contact us using the form below. You can also use the form to write a letter of encouragement or to ask a question.
Contact us using the form below. You can also use the form to write a letter of encouragement or to ask a question.